In short, no.
There is absolutely no evidence that evolution, in the sense in which this question is referring to it, has ever happened.
Evidence of the lack of evidence includes the "theory" of Punctuated Equilibrium, developed by evolutionary paleontologists Niles Eldredge and Stephen Jay Gould. One of the celebrated functions of this theory is its demonstration of why, if evolution were actually true, there would be no fossil evidence for it. If evolutionists are wasting their time trying to explain why there is no fossil evidence for evolution, and why we should expect that there will be no fossil evidence for evolution, you can rest assured that there is no fossil evidence for evolution.
Since the Bible is the Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16), and it is impossible for God to lie (Hebrews 6:18), we know that, at minimum, God specially created mankind out of the dust of the earth (Genesis 2:7). So, with absolute certainty, we know that man did not evolve from a more primitive life form.
Further, if one were to believe in evolution, then to be consistent, one would have to expect that it would be entirely possible for one's next child to not be human. In fact, there would really be no reason to reject the reports of prestigious magazines like the National Enquirer, with their headlines like "Mongolian Woman Gives Birth to Three Headed Cow". This kind of reporting is completely consistent with evolutionary theory, yet it is universally rejected as unquestionably absurd based on the gathering of observable, empirical and measurable evidence, ie, the scientific method. We repeatedly observe that when a human woman gives birth to offspring, that offspring is human. This is what the scientific method truly tells us.
So we see that science itself not only does not point to evolution, but actually points away from it. As has been stated by one evangelical author, "most scientists believe in evolution because they believe that most scientists believe in evolution".
With such a demonstrably unscriptural, unscientific and thoroughly non-evidential theory like that of the superstitious secular humanist dogma of evolution, skepticism is, at minimum, wholly justified.
However, there is more to this question than simply "does evolution disprove the existence of God?"
Ultimately, the root of the question as it has been asked is what is commonly known as "The Problem of Evil". Rephrased, "Since bad things happen, doesn't that prove that a good God doesn't exist?"
Even though I am happy to demonstrate that evolution has not happened, I would never even begin to suggest that "bad things" don't happen. In fact, the Bible itself proclaims that they do (Genesis 6:5).
So what are we to do with this? How can there be a good God when people die of cancer? When tornadoes destroy entire cities? When it appears as though the weak are killed off by nature and only the strong survive?
In order for people dying of cancer to be found to be inconsistent with the nature of a good God, the person asking the question must first presuppose that there is such a thing as an an absolute measure of right and wrong. If there is no absolute right and wrong, then why would it be inconsistent for any imaginable God to allow, or even cause, people to die of cancer? If there is no absolute right and wrong, then there is nothing inherently wrong with causing people to die of cancer.
Since the question itself presupposes that there is something inherently and absolutely wrong with God causing someone to die of cancer, the person asking the question presupposes that there is an absolute moral governance. But of course, this is the same as presupposing that there is a good God.
So, presupposed in the question is the proof of its answer. There must be a good God if evil exists. Otherwise, there would be no measure by which to call it "evil".
Your entire second sentence is a lie. In fact pretty much everything you've said about evolution is a lie. No-one who accepts evolution thinks that it is remotely possible that their next child will not be human, nor does evolutionary theory even remotely suggest any such thing. This is the most nonsensical and ridiculous straw man I've ever seen.
Your description of punctuated equilibrium is a gross misrepresentation which in itself qualifies as a lie. In fact, Gould himself railed against this type of misrepresentation by creationists, although he couldn't tell whether it was through design or stupidity.
I don't think you're stupid, so you must be lying on purpose, which makes your contributions to this website spectacularly pointless and any discussion with you utterly worthless.
Sounds incoherent to me.
"If new species arise very rapidly in small, peripherally isolated local populations, then the great expectation of insensibly graded fossil sequences is a chimera."
-Eldredge and Gould
Translation: We shouldn't expect fossil evidence of evolutionary transitions. To look for it is misguided.
"Punctuated equilibrium is the theory put forward by Eldredge and Gould to explain the fact that the fossil record does not show smooth evolutionary transitions. A common pattern is for a species to appear suddenly, to persist for a period, and then to go extinct. A related species may then arise, but with little sign of any intermediate forms between the ancestor and descendant."
- Mark Ridley, evolutionary zoologist and student of Richard Dawkins
Translation: There is no real sign of evolutionary transitions in the fossil record. There is really only indication of unique kinds. Since we evolutionists assert that the one kind evolved into the other kind, they must have done so almost instantaneously without any real transitional forms, thus leaving no evidence of transition. Punctuated equilibrium explains how evolution happened without leaving any evidence.
"Eldredge and Gould proposed that the degree of gradualism commonly attributed to Charles Darwin is virtually nonexistent in the fossil record, and that stasis dominates the history of most fossil species."
Translation: Eldredge and Gould claimed there was no real evidence of transitional forms from one kind to another in the fossil record. Instead, there are really only unique kinds found in the fossils.
I guess Eldredge, Gould, Ridley and Wikipedia are all lying about punctuated equilibrium too, huh?
Philo: "liar liar pants on fire".
McCabe: evidence evidence evidence.
Point McCabe.
You lie when you claim that I said that apes are our ancestors. I didn't say or even imply that. No proponent of evolution claims that. I thought this kind of creationist straw man gibberish went out around the time of the Scopes Monkey Trial.
You lie when you claim that I said I am not an ape. Where did I say that, or even imply it? I am an ape. So are you. So is every human being on the planet, as vast amounts of evidence (which you lie and claim doesn't exist) clearly show.
Humans share a common ancestor with apes. We also share a common ancestor with ostriches and wombats if you go back far enough, which you'd know if you read anything by an actual evolutionary biologist rather than the creationist comic books you clearly favour.
Frankly I've had enough arguing with a liar, Tim.
Wow. McCabe is racking up points without even speaking!
...two outstanding facts of the fossil record - geologically 'sudden' origin of new species and failure to change thereafter (stasis) - reflect the predictions of evolutionary theory, not the imperfections of the fossil record...
...Since we proposed punctuated equilibria to explain trends, it is infuriating to be quoted again and again by creationists - whether through design or stupidity, I do not know - as admitting that the fossil record includes no transitional forms. [These] are generally lacking at the species level but...are abundant between larger groups"
Gould, S. J. (1983) "Evolution as Fact and Theory" in Hen's Teeth and Horse's Toes: Further Reflections in Natural History. New York. pp-258-260
Point McCabe.
Hey Moxie, Gould could be talking about you!
It seems that according to you, evolution says one kind (non-human) has produced another kind (human). But also according to you, evolution says it is not possible that one kind (human) can produce another kind (non-human).
Evolutionists used to expect lots of specific fossil evidence of transitional forms that was essentially never found. The concept of punctuated equilibrium was developed for the purpose of explaining why this evidence is absent, yet evolution can still be true in spite of this absence of evidence. You've disagreed wholeheartedly, and then you provided a quote that explicitly agrees.
Your conclusion after repeatedly contradicting yourself seems to be that I am a liar.
I'm not sure why you engage in this peculiar behavior, but I do know that I am not interested in continuing this conversation. Further, I have found this kind of absurd pattern of unjustified insults, contradictory assertions, and unwarranted accusations to be normative from you (much like Tony) across this website, so you can expect that in the future I will probably avoid discussions with you.
I hope that you will meet Christ and be saved. God bless you in your future endeavors.
We know that evolution is pure fact because of genome sequencing, basically looking at how much DNA we share with other organisms, painting a very broad picture of Earth's family tree.
How else would you explain that we share 98.3% of our DNA with chimps/bonobos?
Another way we know is the fossil record.
The difference between science and your god is that science is always willing to change when new evidence comes to light.
In addition to telling us all what evolution isn't, please feel free to tell us what it actually is.
The expected transitional forms have not appeared in the fossil record, and this is exactly what we would expect if punctuated equilibrium were true. Which is why it has become so popular. No consistent trait morphology can be found. Instead, reversing traits are generally the rule in supposed fossil transitions from one kind to another.
We don't share 98.3% of our DNA with chimps/bonobos. However, even if we did, that would no more necessitate a common ancestor than it would a common designer.
What the scientific method actually does seem to confirm is that humans give birth to humans, and they always have. Likewise with all other kinds of creatures. No one has ever observed anything to the contrary, nor does the fossil record conflict with this.
What the fossils seem to confirm is a flood of Biblical proportions that destroyed the entire world in a very short period of time, burying billions of creatures almost instantly in flood sediment.
The strata formed by that historic disaster cross continents and are thus not local disasters.
These strata have no indications of erosion between layers, consistent with being laid down one on top of another in a very short timespan.
The strata also have massive cross-layer folds, consistent with multiple strata being freshly laid when an upheaval in the earth bent them all, while they were still soft, apparently indicating yet again that we are seeing something that only took a very short time, not millions of years.
Polystrate fossils also seem to confirm that multiple cross-continent strata were rapidly laid down, not taking millions of years.
Ancient narratives from diverse cultures around the world generally agree with the geologic evidence as well.
Soft tissue in dinosaur bones are another clear indicator of those creatures' recent demise, rather than some supposed 60 million years ago.
History, biology, and geology all seem to confirm the same event, and any suggestion of evolution seems absent from the observable evidence. Feel free to fact check everything mentioned above. I don't think any of the evidence I've presented is even slightly controversial, even if my conclusions are.