Questions Answered by Multiple Worldviews
Questions 1 through 25 of 51:
Clearly bible was written by homo-sapiens. who are we to say that bible was not written by some dude in his/her free time describing why the universe is the way it is, thus creating this fictional dude in heaven. All this could be science fiction
Answers: Christian, Atheist
I highly doubt that Africans are descendants of Adam and Eve so, where do we come from?
Answers: Christian, Atheist
(1 Comment)
Does the "problem of evil" show that an all-good, all-powerful, all-knowing god cannot exist?
Answers: Christian, Atheist
Do humans have goodness in them?
Answers: Christian, Atheist
(1 Comment)
Is there any proof that God exists?
Answers: Atheist, Christian
If there is a God, but there is no evidence to be found for his existence except subjective experiences, is it not reasonable to assume that if he does exist, he does not want us to know about it?
Answers: Atheist, Christian
Answers: Muslim, Christian
How can chaos create order? That's impossible without intelligent direction. Atheism is emotional, not intellectual.
Answers: Muslim, Christian, Atheist
Do you think that education is the solution? In other words, would people agree with your view if they just had more knowledge? Is the problem basically one of ignorance?
Answers: Atheist, Christian
Given that evolution is a fact and that the evidence for it is incontrovertible, I find it very difficult to understand how religious people, mostly Christians, can deny it. Can you enlighten me?
Answers: Christian, Atheist
Did Jesus preach non-violent submission?
Answers: Atheist, Christian
Why does God require an argument to defend it, unlike something obvious like gravity for example?
Answers: Muslim, Christian
Why does religion 'permit' murder and why are people so eager to justify murders their people commited?
Answers: Atheist, Christian
If God really did create everything, how would anyone know?
Answers: Atheist, Christian
How do you know your god is good, and is not actually a satan making us think he is good?
Answers: Atheist, Christian
You say god cannot lie? He said that Adam and Eve would die if they ate from the 'Tree'.. yet they did not die. He said nothing about sin, he said that they would die.
Answers: Muslim, Christian
Is there a question to which you all would give the same - or almost the same - answer?
Answers: Atheist, Christian
Can there be objective morality with a God? If God is the source of morality, then morality is subject to the will of God, so isn't it by definition subjective?
Answers: Atheist, Christian
How can God be an uncaused cause?
Answers: Atheist, Christian
Couldn't God have given us free will without giving us the desire to sin?
Answers: Atheist, Christian
Since there can be no evidence for something that can't be measured, is it at least fair to say that there is no empirical evidence for god, and therefore no reason to believe he exists?
Answers: Muslim, Christian
If God created everything and decided how it would be, wouldn't our sins be his fault?
Answers: Atheist, Christian
Can justice be done using punishment of infinite nature for a transgression of finite nature?
Answers: Atheist, Christian
If God has a "divine plan" for everyone, then does that mean he controls humans and animals to meet his plan?
Answers: Atheist, Christian
How is God any different than Santa Claus?
Answers: Muslim, Atheist, Christian