Certainly. I'll bet we all agree spring grass is usually green and a clear sky usually blue, objects fall to the earth at approximately 32 feet per second per second, and Audrey Tautou is beautiful. Just for starters.
Is there a question to which you all would give the same - or almost the same - answer?
Christian View
I certainly can't speak authoritatively for the opinion of anyone other than myself, but it seems to me that everyone can easily be convinced to agree that if something is, then it is; and also that nothing can both be and not be at the same time and in the same way. In other words, the Laws of Logic are valid.
An interesting point to note, however, is that holding to the Laws of Logic can only be rationally justified under Christian assumptions.
Under atheism, every conclusion we draw and every belief we hold to is nothing more than the product of a random accident.
Polytheism insists that things that are may not be, making the Laws of Logic invalid under polytheism.
Pantheism equates God with the universe, demanding that multiple parts are all equally ultimate, thus prohibiting any kind of universal authority and denying the rationality of universal truth claims.
Unitarianism rejects the idea that God is His own reason for His actions, thereby rejecting a rational God altogether, falling into the same irrational trap atheism demands.
Any Monotheistic worldview without a divine atoning sacrifice insists that debts can actually be paid by one who has nothing to pay debts with, again making the Laws of Logic invalid.
Christianity alone stands coherent, allowing for the possibility of knowledge via the validity of the Laws of Logic.
Everything the christian said was in avoidance of any decent answer.
'the Laws of Logic can only be valid if christianity is true.'
Brilliant. I hope for your future children's sake you are impotent.
"One alone is the Dawn beaming over all this.
It is the One that severally becomes all this."
Rig-Veda, VIII, 58:2
"The nameless [Tao] is the beginning of Heaven and Earth,
The named [Tao] is the mother of ten thousand things."
Tao Te Ching, ch. 1
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. "
Gospel of John, 1:1-3
"He is the Originator of the heavens and the earth."
(Quran 6:101)
Polytheism accepts all that is known and doesn't place limitations on that which is not known.