Questions Answered from the Christian Position
Questions 101 through 125 of 175:
While holding rattlesnakes and speaking in tongues, have you ever been bitten? Does it hurt?
Answers: Christian
Here is another contradiction of the millions in the bible: Hebrews 6:18 vs. Ezekiel 14:9, if you think this isn't a contradiction, please respond with proof from scripture.
Answers: Christian
What do you think of the book "The Godless Delusion" by Patrick Madrid and Kenneth Hensley?
Answers: Christian
How can you dare say that God wouldn't want everyone saved? What about John 3:16? I thought Jesus loved and gave up his life on the cross for the whole world? If not, why create and sustain them? Wouldn't he want them to receive EVERLASTING LIFE?
Answers: Christian
Why did God only send Jesus to Palestine at one particular point in history? If God wants everybody to be saved, wouldn’t the gospel have spread a lot faster if he had sent Jesus to every place on earth in all time periods?
Answers: Christian
Why do seemingly logical individuals arrive at such differing conclusions regarding existence, all the while maintaining that logic allows nothing else? Is the same information being evaluated? Is the same definition of logic being considered?
Answers: Atheist, Christian
Assuming I accept your arguments that there is a God, it is still a huge leap for me to therefore cut off my son's foreskin, avoid clothes of mixed fibers, and give 10% of my earnings to Pat Robertson.
Answers: Christian
Did God have to be created? Why or why not?
Answers: Christian
Hell seems designed to punish disobedience and perceived immorality. Would you agree that acting in a certain manner simply because you fear punishment is cowardly and an invalid motivator?
Answers: Christian
Is there anything that troubles you personally about the belief system you adhere to? What is it and why is it troubling?
Answers: Atheist, Christian
Regarding your answer to Lev 11:13-19... Rather disingenuous of you don't you think? The list is a list of birds (apart from bats) so the writer (god?) meant "birds", not "insects" or "flying things".
Answers: Christian
Why should one believe in the validity of the Bible?
Answers: Christian
What unique evidence is there for your religion or worldview? Can you prove that what you say is true?
Answers: Hindu, Christian
William Lane Craig offers 5 arguments against divine determinism at in an article called "Troubled by Calvinists". Do you agree?
Answers: Christian
How does your particular faith conceive of vegetarianism and why?
Answers: Atheist, Christian
(1 Comment)
Why does the bible, supposedly the perfect inerrant word of god, claim that bats are birds (Lev 11:13-19).
Answers: Christian
Does the biblical god "YHWH" tempt? Because it says in Gen. 22:11 that God tempted Abraham, and in James 1:13 it says "God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man? Which should I believe?
Answers: Christian
(1 Comment)
Comparing Exodus Ch.33 V.20 with Genesis 32:30, God says no man can see Him and live, and then Jacob is celebrating to have done just that. Is this a contradiction?
Answers: Christian
Why does Jesus, when riding into Jeruselum (Matthew 21:7) ride on two things at once, the ass as well as the colt. Why does he ride both at the same time, and what does it teach us? Where also does it fit in in the 4 categories of 2 Timothy 3:16?
Answers: Christian
Is rape acceptable or unacceptable in your worldview and why? What do your scriptures (if any) say?
Answers: Atheist, Christian
Is what is morally good commanded by God because it is morally good, or is it morally good because it is commanded by God?
Answers: Christian
In Romans 1:23, God clearly says "you have brought down the image of the uncorruptible God to corruptible man". How then can you call Jesus God?
Answers: Christian
Is your worldview a "religion of peace"? If so, what does it mean to be a "peacemaker"?
Answers: Atheist, Christian
Brian Dunning from claims that there is no record of a mass Exodus of Jewish slaves out of Egypt. Is this true?
Answers: Christian
In Romans 1:22-27 especially verse 25, it condemns those who turn God's incorruptible image into the image of corruptible man. Why then do so many Christians say Jesus is 'god incarnate' or even 'son of god'?
Answers: Christian
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